Tuesday, 27 April 2021

 According to Ayurveda, in addition to the three doshas,  our bodies are made up of seven tissues - dhatus. These are (simply put):

1. Rasa - plasma

2. Straight - blood

3. Mamsa - muscles

4. Meda - fat

5. Asthi - bone tissue

6. Majja - bone marrow

7. Sukra - reproductive tissues.

They are formed sequentially, so f we have blockages in one of the tissues and it will also lead to problems in the tissues that are further down the list. Therefore, digestion is absolutely central to the formation and maintenance of healthy tissues. For digestion, it is important to eat warm, well-cooked food that is not too hard to digest and eat in peace and quiet - sit down, do nothing else in the meantime and chew properly. One should eat the main meal in the middle of the day, never eat at night, never drink cold drinks with food and really enjoy the food. I will return with a little more detailed advice on how to keep each of the tissues healthy and strong.

Tuesday, 13 April 2021

Dried fruit

 Dried fruit is a good way to add nutritious nutrients, according to Ayurveda. But you should not eat them "raw" because then they absorb fluids and cause obstructions in the digestive system. Instead, you should either soak them, for example, overnight or boil them. Cooking dried fruit together with fresh fruit, nuts and spices creates a tasty and healthy dessert :)