Monday 11 March 2024


 Now, the days are starting to get bright, and we have entered the part of the year which, according to Ayurveda, is dominated by kapha. Kapha is created by the elements of earth and water. It is, therefore, heavy, stable, cold and sluggish. It controls growth and expansion. So now, during the kapha period, nature wakes up from its winter rest, and everything grows. It is also a time for us to strengthen our bodies and minds. It is the time of year when we are at our strongest and, therefore, when it is easiest to train and strengthen our muscles. If we don't exercise, the growth can come in excess fat, waste products and mucus formation. To take advantage of the kapha period to become stronger and healthier, consider the following:

• Exercise. This is the time of year when we can exercise the hardest. Don't overdo it, but it doesn't hurt to press on a little bit sometimes, and it can also be fun and pleasant. We need training that strengthens the muscles (strength training), strengthens the circulatory system (running, cycling, etc.), and improves coordination and the connection between the body and mind (e.g., ball sports or dancing). Especially when we start getting older, it is essential to exercise, as the bone structure and muscles otherwise break down.

• Doing yoga is also very good for keeping muscles and joints flexible, cleansing the internal organs, managing stress and getting into balance. Maharishi Yoga Asanas, in particular, are ideal.

• Eat warm, cooked and not too heavy food. Don't overeat.

• Use lots of spices. All spices except salt are good for kapha.

• Never drink cold drinks, and certainly not with food. Drink warm instead.

• Avoid getting cold. Damp cold, in particular, is harmful to kapha.

• Get up early in the morning and enjoy the morning sun.

• Be active. Do what you think is fun and enjoy life. Dance, sing and play and don't take yourself too seriously.

Have a lovely spring!

Thursday 15 February 2024

 Samana vata is the third sub-dosha of vata. It has its seat in the intestines and is responsible for peristalsis, i.e. the movement of food through the intestinal system. As such, it is essential because digestion is one of the most crucial parts of our health. Imbalances in samana vata can cause constipation, diarrhoea, gas formation, bloated stomach and poor absorption of nutrients. In balance, it instead provides a smooth and fine movement through the intestines and well-functioning digestion. So how do you keep samana vata in balance? Here are some of the key points:

• Eat at regular times. The heaviest meal should be lunch in the middle of the day. Breakfast and evening meals should be lighter. One snack may be needed if you are hungry, but otherwise, never snack between meals!

• Do not overeat. Eat only until you are comfortably full, never until you are overfull.

• Always eat sitting calmly with complete focus on the food without doing anything else in the meantime - enjoy the food!

• Eat warm, well-cooked, mainly vegetarian food. Preferably avoid meat and reduce other hard-to-digest foods.

• Chew properly.

• Never drink cold drinks with food (and preferably not otherwise, either). Feel free to drink warm water with meals instead.

• Avoid stress before, during and after meals (preferably otherwise as well).

• Do not exercise or do anything else strenuous less than half an hour before meals and 2-4 hours after meals.

• On the other hand, feel free to go for a light walk after eating.

Good luck 😊

Tuesday 30 January 2024

10,000 for world peace

 I mentioned before Christmas that I would be participating in the big yoga and meditation event 10,000 for world peace in India for two weeks in connection with the New Year. It was an absolutely amazing experience. We actually had as many as 11,000 participants. About 7,000 were from India – mainly school students from schools where they practice Transcendental Meditation. The rest really came from all corners of the world. As many as 139 countries were represented. There were about twenty of us from Sweden. When all these people did the powerful TM-sidhi program together, an atmosphere was created that is absolutely indescribable. It was as if the entire area was a single field of vibrating, joyful consciousness. And even though there were some challenges in the housing situation, there was always incredible friendliness and positivity. It was as if negative thoughts could not really be thought in that atmosphere. We also got delicious mild Indian food and it was impressive how efficiently they managed to distribute it to all these people. During the meetings between the meditations, we were visited by many influential leaders in India. And everyone agreed on how important it is to create a permanent group like this so that we can have a continuous positive influence on the world and overcome the challenges our world faces. Because really, we can create a wonderful world for all people, if we can only raise the collective consciousness in the world.