Tuesday, 18 May 2021


 Rasa is the first of the seven tissues that Ayurveda describes. Rasa is usually translated as plasma, and it mainly corresponds to the blood plasma and the nutrients and the enzymes that are transported by it. Problems with rasa can cause both overweight and underweight as well as fatigue, wrinkles, nausea and aches. The problems are usually caused by digestion not working so well. This may be because you eat too much or too little or skip meals and eat at irregular times. It is especially harmful to eat before you have had time to digest the previous meal. Stress is also an influencing factor. To keep rasa in good shape,  keep the following in mind:

• Eat only when you are hungry and not more than until you are comfortably satisfied. Then wait to eat until you are hungry again. At the same time, you should have regular times for your meals and not skip any of them. It may sound contradictory, but if you maintain a good regularity and eat suitable amounts, the body will adjust so that you are hungry just when it is time for food.

• Eat juicy fruits and vegetables.

  • Drink plenty of water - hot or at room temperature, never cold.

• Do not stress too much, avoid too much mental work, meditate and do yoga regularly.

• Try to do oil massage, abhyanga, regularly.

Good luck!