Tuesday, 21 September 2021

Meda - Fat

 Meda is the fourth tissue according to Ayurveda. It corresponds mainly to the adipose tissue but also to the endocrine system - i.e. our hormones. Fat is essential as an energy reserve, insulation, shock absorption and for hormones. In addition, the brain consists mainly of fat as well as the membranes around all our cells. Thus, we need fat, but today there is something of an obesity epidemic, and more and more people around the world (even in developing countries) are today overweight. The reason is partly poor diet and lack of exercise but also other factors especially stress are an important cause. The stress hormones cause the digestion to shut down, and when it does not work, slag products are formed, and the body encapsulates them in fat to protect itself. To keep your balance, you should therefore:

Of course, think about what you eat and do not eat too much fatty foods and avoid white sugar as much as possible.

• But at least as important is how you eat. Always eat in peace and quiet, sitting, alone or with people you like. Focus on the food and enjoy it. Avoid mobile phones, computers, reading and talking too much when eating.

• Use spices in food. Cardamom is especially good for meda.

• Eat until you are properly satiated - do not overeat. And do not eat between meals.

• Reduce or avoid meat. It contains saturated fat, largely consisting of long, complex fatty acids that are difficult for the body to handle. Dairy products are better in this respect because they contain a more significant proportion of shorter saturated fatty acids, which can be beneficial for health.

Use only pure fats such as olive oil, rapeseed oil, coconut oil and ghee. Avoid margarine and lard.

• Eat the food hot, then digestion works better and above all, never drink cold drinks with the food.

• Feel free to eat a lot of vegetables and fruit.

• Exercise regularly in any way you like so that it gets done.

• Avoid sitting still for long periods during the day.

• Meditate and do yoga to deal with stress.

• Try to live in a relaxed way overall and do what you enjoy. When you are happy and feel good, digestion also works better; you become less stressed and therefore get less excess fat.

Good luck!

Wednesday, 8 September 2021

Mamsa - muscles

 Mamsa is the third tissue in the body, according to Ayurveda. It corresponds to the muscle tissue in the body. This includes the entire skeletal muscle system but also the heart and the organs that contain smooth muscle such as intestines, blood vessels, bladder and uterus. In a healthy body, up to half (depending on age and gender) of the body mass consists of muscle tissue, so keeping it fresh and healthy is important. Mamsa is most damaged by inactivity and improper diet that creates sticky ama and clogs. To keep mamsa healthy and strong, here is some advice.

• Exercise! Unused muscles wither. Especially when we start to get older, we must keep exercising because otherwise, the muscles will gradually break down. It is important to practice traditional strength training. Proper training, mainly with free weights, in a proper gym according to a training program designed by a knowledgeable trainer is best. Basic exercises that engage the major muscle groups should be the core of the program. But it is also important to train fitness, especially for the heart, which is also a muscle. Running, cycling, and skiing are good options here. The main part of the cardio training should take place at a leisurely pace, but it should also include some tougher workouts where you really get your heart rate up. Then it is also important with recovery, so you should not train hard too often. 

• Do not eat too much hard-digested food; it easily leads to the formation of impurities that clog the body's channels, which means that the muscles are not nourished and, thus, broken down. Many people who exercise eat a lot of meat because they believe that meat, which is the animals' muscle mass, will help them build muscle. It is, in fact, the opposite. A lot of meat interferes with digestion and causes the body to put on fat and not absorb the nutrients in a good way. However, it is important to eat enough protein (even if you do not need as copious amounts as some people think). But it is better to get it from vegetarian sources (such as beans, lentils and quinoa), dairy products and possibly fish. At least red and processed meat is good to avoid.

• Amla berries stimulate the muscles. Maharishi Ayurveda produces special amla tablets that are concentrated and refined according to careful methods and are particularly good. Fresh dates are also said to be good for the muscles.

• Sleep is also vital. It is mainly during sleep that the muscles are built up while they are broken down during the day. Deep sleep, in particular at the beginning of the night, is important since it is then that growth hormone is secreted. So be sure to get to bed early.

• The stress hormone cortisol has a destructive effect on muscles. Therefore, try to avoid stress. Yoga and meditation are brilliant help for that. Live in a way that you enjoy doing things that you enjoy, hang out with people you like and do not care so much about performance requirements and what others think. It is good for the muscles and for everything else in life

Good luck!