Tuesday, 8 February 2022


 In the last post, I mentioned ojas as something that can be created if the tissues are balanced. According to Ayurveda, ojas is the finest material substance available. It is on the border between matter and consciousness and is like the "lamp in the door" between them. Through ojas, the body's inner intelligence receives full flow in all parts, and all body parts are filled with joy, beauty and strength. How do you increase ojas in your life?

• The most crucial thing is strengthening your consciousness through yoga and meditation. Transcendental Meditation, in particular, directly enlivens pure consciousness, which is the primary way to create ojas.

• Eat life-enhancing foods - sattvic. It means easily digestible, organic and lacto-vegetarian. But just as important as what you eat is how you eat. Eat sitting down, in peace and quiet, alone or in pleasant company, focus on the food and do nothing else while eating. According to Ayurveda, it is also essential how one has earned the food and what mood the person who cooked it had - food cooked in love and care is the best.

• Avoid alcohol.

• Avoid stress.

• Go to bed early so that you get enough sleep.

• Many herbs/spices promote sattva and thus ojas, for example, cardamom, cumin, lemon balm, saffron, marjoram, mint, sage and thyme.

• Speak kindly - avoid swearing and harsh words.

• Spread love to your fellow human beings - and yourself ❤️