Alochaka pitta is the fourth sub-dosha of pitta. It has its seat in the eyes and controls our vision - both the external, ordinary vision and our inner insights. Today's lifestyle really challenges our eye health. For example, it has been estimated that more than 80 percent of children in China suffer from myopia. And it also increases the risk of glaucoma, cataracts, and retinal detachment in the longer term. Our eyes are not made to stare into a screen. They are made to alternately scan the surroundings and look at what we do with our hands and those we interact with. To keep your eyes healthy:
• Do not stare too long at a computer or mobile screen. There is a rule called 20-20-20. It means that at least every twenty minutes, you should look for at least twenty seconds at something that is at least twenty feet (roughly seven meters) away. Personally, I think it's on the low side. I think you should preferably not stare at the screen for more than a couple of minutes straight and then instead look at something that is far away. Design your workspace (if you can) so you can easily turn your head and look out the window, and do so often.
• Also, ensure you have access to daylight in your workplace so that the contrast between the bright screen and a dark room does not become too great.
• Stay often in beautiful surroundings and look at beautiful things – enjoy with your eyes – it is nourishing for alochaka pitta.
• If your eyes are tired, try placing a slice of cucumber or potato on them and let them rest or rinse them with rose water.
• Sit up when reading (in a book or on a screen), don't read lying down.
• Sufficient vitamin A is essential for vision. But vitamin A is also toxic in excessive amounts, so be careful not to overdose. Therefore, it is best to get the vitamin through your diet and not through pills. If you eat a versatile diet, you should get enough. Yellow, orange and green vegetables and fruits are often good sources of vitamin A.
• Everything in the body is connected, so it is also vital for eye health to have a generally healthy lifestyle with regular habits, exercise, enough sleep, good nutrition and not too much stress.
• For your inner insight, meditating and doing yoga is important to get in touch with your inner self and get to know yourself. Because within you is actually the knowledge of everything.