Tuesday, 12 September 2023

Bhrajaka pitta

 Bhrajaka pitta is the fifth sub-dosha of pitta. It has its seat in the skin and regulates the formation and maintenance of the skin and, thus, its lustre, colour and suppleness. It is often affected by the other doses. If there are imbalances and impurities in the body, the body often tries to get rid of them through the skin, which creates imbalances in Bhrajaka pitta and can manifest itself in the form of acne, eczema, rashes and skin diseases of various kinds. Many people try to keep their skin beautiful through creams of various kinds or, more extreme, through operations and poisons such as botox. But really, the skin's beauty also comes from within (like all beauty). There are actually quite simple things we need to do to keep Bhrajaka pitta in balance and get a nice complexion:

• Go to bed early. Before 22 and preferably before 21.30

Exercise regularly.

• Do yoga

• Eat fresh, clean, organic foods, including fresh juicy fruits and vegetables.

• Drink plenty of clean water during the day, preferably warm or at least room temperature - never ice cold.

• Avoid meat and other hard-to-digest or stale food.

• Also avoid alcohol, tobacco and food with chemical additives.

• Feel free to do abhyanga, oil massage; it's fantastically good for the skin (and for health in general).

Good luck 😊