Thursday, 26 October 2023


 Autumn is here again. The wind howls, and the cold creeps in between marrow and bones. Then, we have typically entered a time dominated by vata. Today's society and lifestyle are a challenge for vata, and in my practice, it is actually rare that I meet someone who has vata entirely in balance. An imbalance in vata can cause anxiety, stiffness, dry skin, stomach problems, etc., but if it goes too far, it can also be a breeding ground for exhaustion syndrome and severe neurological diseases. Vata is cold, mobile, rough and dry. Therefore, the keywords for vata balance are rest, warmth and regularity. Here are some tips:

• Stay warm. Dress properly when you go out. Be especially careful to protect the ears, neck and lower abdomen (never sit on cold surfaces). Wind and drafts, in particular, are harmful to vata.

• Go to bed early. No later than 10 p.m. and preferably at 9 p.m. Also, unwind an hour or two before bed. Take it easy, do something calm, don't rush anything and avoid electronic screens.

• Keep regular times for your activities in general. Eat, sleep, exercise, etc., at about the same time every day, even on weekends. Eat breakfast, lunch (the heaviest meal), dinner and possibly a snack; don't skip any meals.

• Exercise is good, but we should take it a little more easily this period. Investing in calm and strengthening strength training and waiting with long-term or high-intensity endurance training can be good. Yoga is also great.

• Eat warm, well-cooked, nutritious food. Eat until you are full, and include healthy oils (e.g. organic olive oil), nuts and seeds in your diet so it is not too light. Avoid cold and raw food.

• Drink warm water with meals and during the day. Never drink cold or carbonated drinks.

• Feel free to drink a cup of boiled warm milk with cardamom or ginger before bed.

• Meditate regularly.

• Try to avoid stress. I know it's not easy, but sometimes we don't have to do everything we think we have to - it's more important to feel good, and we often do that by doing less.

Good luck!