Thursday 11 July 2024


 Although the real heat has been conspicuous by its absence so far, it is after all summer and thus pitta time. Pitta is hot, sharp and intense. It controls all chemical transformations in our body, for example, in the muscles and digestive organs. In balance, pitta gives us energy, efficiency and success. An imbalance can instead make us irritated and short-tempered and give rise to various ailments.

To keep pitta in balance this summer:

• Eat at regular times, with lunch as the main meal. Never skip meals.

• Avoid red meat, alcohol, sweeteners, chemical additives in food and pungent spices. Mild spices such as cardamom, coriander and all herbs, on the other hand, are excellent.

• Drink plenty of water; room temperature is fine but never ice cold.

• Eat sweet, juicy fruits such as melons, pears, apples and grapes. Cooked apples and pears are especially good.

• Coconut is good for balancing pitta, so feel free to include coconut oil, coconut flakes, coconut water, etc., in your diet. Coconut oil is also suitable for sunburned skin. Freshly squeezed squash is also good for pitta skin and stomach, as are aloe vera juice and rose water.

• Now that the weather permits, take the opportunity to exercise outdoors in beautiful surroundings. Beautiful visual impressions are balancing for pitta.

• Meditate and do yoga to find your peace - preferably outdoors.

• Enjoy the bright summer evenings - but not for too long - it's good to get to bed early. Summer mornings can also be lovely.

• Try to drop all performance requirements. Laugh, play, relax and enjoy all the little joys in life.

Have a lovely summer.