Tuesday, 23 March 2021

 All the food we eat affects the different doshas in one way or another. But it can be difficult to keep track of what effects everything has. The taste can be a clue. The different flavours affect the doshas as follows:

• Sweet (not only what we usually think of as sweet but also rice, cereals, milk, etc.) raises kapha but lowers vata and pitta

• Sour raises pitta and kapha but lowers vata

• Salt raises pitta and kapha but lowers vata

• Hot (spicy) raises vata and pitta but lowers kapha

  • Bitter (eg leafy vegetables) raises vata but lowers pitta and kapha

• Astringent (e.g. some nuts and beans and not fully ripe bananas) raises vata but lowers pitta and kapha

The taste does not give the whole picture because there is also the aftertaste that can be different and other qualities such as the heaviness of the food, oiliness etc. But it can be a good start.

Tuesday, 16 March 2021

 Now the wonderful spring is here and for me, it means that the running season begins. This year I have the ambition to focus more on yogic running. I should do that as an Ayurveda consultant and yoga teacher, shouldn't I :) What does that mean then? There does not seem to be any unambiguous definition or generally accepted knowledge about it. But based on my experience of yoga, I think like this:

• It must be comfortable. In Maharishi Yoga, the concept of pleasant steadiness is used as a prerequisite for a position to be a yoga asana. Thus, yogic running should be a state of pleasant dynamics.

• Awareness is probably important. In Maharishi Yoga, attention is allowed to rest easily on the parts of the body that are stretched. Similarly, attention should probably rest on the dynamic activity that the body performs.

• In Bhagavad-Gita, we are advised to "established in yoga, perform action", ie. established in the silent pure consciousness which is the basis of everything, one performs actions which then automatically become right. In the same way, I think of yogic running as an activity where the body is dynamically active while the mind is established in silence - a bit like the eye of the storm which is the still point around which all activity revolves. The activity comes from silence.

• To be able to achieve this, it is of course important to supplement with yoga and meditation.

This is how far I have come so far. What do you think?

Wednesday, 10 March 2021

 Now that spring is in full swing, we have entered the period dominated by kapha-dosha. Therefore, balancing kapha is vital, especially if you have a lot of kapha in your basic constitution or an imbalance in kapha. Kapha is heavy, cold and sluggish. In balance, it gives strength, perseverance and affection. In imbalance, it can lead to inertia, lethargy, greed and ailments such as colds, allergies, obesity, diabetes and more. Some keywords to balance kapha are activity, warmth and stimulation. Here are some tips:

• Exercise. This is the part of the year when we can exercise the hardest. Exercise is one of the most effective ways to keep kapha in balance. Modern research also shows that spring is when we can most easily strengthen ourselves and build our muscles - it is also the time when children grow the fastest. Do something that you think is fun and that feels good but do not be afraid to make some effort.

• Be active in other respects as well. Engage in things that you enjoy.

• Stay warm. Avoid particularly humid cold.

• Food and drink should also be hot. Avoid cold foods and beverages. Drinking hot water during the day and at meals is a great habit.

• The food should not be too heavy.

• Use spices in food. All spices except salt are balancing for kapha. They also make the food tastier, and you should enjoy the food and eat in peace and quiet so that you feel when you are full and satisfied.

• Get up early in the morning, preferably before six o'clock. This also means that you have to go to bed early.

• Take the opportunity to enjoy the wonderful spring. Especially the scents of nature are beneficial for kapha, which is related to the sense of smell.

Have a wonderful spring :)