Monday, 28 June 2021


 Now that summer is here, it is pitta-dosha that dominates in nature. Pitta is the only hot dosha. It is related to the elements fire and water. In the body, it corresponds to all transformation and conversion processes, for example, in the digestion, in the muscles and in the mitochondria. It is also connected to the visual sense. Pitta gives energy, sharpness and focus. But in imbalance, it can make us overheated - both mentally and physically. In addition to heat, pitta is sensitive to stress and impurities of various kinds. To keep pitta in balance, keep the following in mind, especially now during the summer or if you have a lot of pitta in your basic constitution or imbalances in pitta:

• Live regularly, especially when it comes to food. Do not skip meals!

• Do not use too strong spices, but preferably mild spices such as cardamom, coriander and mint.

• Avoid red meat and alcohol.

• Eat juicy, sweet fruits such as pears, melons and grapes. Coconut is also good.

• Drink plenty of water, warm or at room temperature, not cold.

• Eat organic as much as possible.

• Roses are good for pitta; enjoy their beauty and scent - and feel free to eat (organic) rose petal paste.

• Do yoga and meditate.

• Everything does not have to be perfect - neither you nor your fellow human beings. Be understanding and forgiving - towards others and towards yourself.

• Avoid stress. Try to relax now during the summer. Do not sit too much in front of screens, instead be out in the beautiful nature - laugh and play.

Have a wonderful summer!

Wednesday, 9 June 2021


 Rakta is the second tissue, according to Ayurveda. It corresponds to the blood - especially the red blood cells - and the bile. The blood carries nutrients and oxygen to all parts of the body, and a rich blood flow is among the most important things that exist for good health. Rakta is affected by our lifestyle, food, and, to a large extent, our emotions. To keep rakta and thus the blood healthy, you can think of the following:

• Do not eat too much strong, acidic or salty foods.

• Do not skip meals.

• Eat sweet, juicy fruits such as pears, apples, grapes and melons.

  • Juicy vegetables such as squash and cucumber are also good.

• Use turmeric in cooking.

• Avoid alcohol, tobacco, drugs and synthetic additives in food.

  • Drink plenty of water, make sure it is clean and fresh and not cold.

• Roses are good for our emotions, enjoy their beauty and feel free to eat (organic) rose petal pasta.

• Go to bed early.

• Do not expose yourself to negative emotional impressions in the form of violent films or other media.

• Meditate and do yoga regularly.

• Avoid conflicts and negative people, be forgiving and compassionate and enjoy loving fellowship with those you love.

Good luck!