Tuesday, 7 December 2021

Asthi - bones

 Asthi is the fifth tissue according to Ayurveda. It corresponds to bones, cartilage, hair and nails. Having strong legs is vital for the quality of life, not least in old age. And many, especially women, suffer from osteoporosis, which often leads to bone fractures and reduced mobility. In Ayurvedic terms, above all, excess in vata breaks down the bones. But the bone tissue is a living tissue that is constantly being replaced and built up. Therefore, ama, impurities, are also a threat to bone health, inhibiting the regeneration process. We also need nutrition, especially calcium and vitamin D are essential. Finally, exercise is absolutely crucial for bone health. The tissues that are not used are broken down, so inactivity is the single biggest threat to healthy bones. To get healthy and strong bones, nails and hair, you can think of the following:

Exercise regularly. Particularly 'bumpy' exercise such as running or aerobics with jumping is good for strengthening the skeleton.

• Make sure you get enough vitamin D. The best source is the sun, but in Sweden, the sun is not high enough to produce vitamin D during the winter. Therefore, it may be helpful to supplement with supplements.

Calcium is also important, so include calcium-rich foods in your diets such as sesame seeds, tahini, broccoli, peeled almonds, fresh asparagus and dairy products.

• Especially for women, it can also be good to include soy products as they contain phytoestrogens which can counteract age-related weakening of the bone tissue.

• Live a regular life, do not skip meals and go to bed early.

• Doing oil massage, abhyanga, is beneficial.

• Do yoga and meditate.

• Try to avoid stress.

Good luck!

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