Wednesday, 3 August 2022

Moong dhal

 Shelled mung beans - moong dhal - is a food that is held in very high regard in Ayurveda. They are very nutritious and contain, among other things, a lot of protein. At the same time, they are easy to digest and do not form gas. However, it is essential to choose organic beans as otherwise, they may have been exposed to a lot of pesticides. Like all legumes, they become more nutritious and easily digestible if you soak them overnight before use. If you boil one part of mung beans together with three parts of water for about 40 minutes and add spices and salt to taste, you get a tasty and healthy mash. Here is also a recipe for good and healthy dhal soup for four people:

Saute two teaspoons of vata, pitta or kapha churna (or garam masala or curry) and half a teaspoon of turmeric lightly in one tablespoon of ghee or olive oil. Add 1.1 litres of boiling water and 1.75 dl of mung beans. Cook for about 40 minutes. Add 2 teaspoons of salt and one to two tablespoons of dill towards the end of cooking. Mix with a stick blender. Have a nice meal!

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