Monday, 24 February 2025


 Spring is here, and the first flowers have come. This means that we have entered the part of the year dominated by the kapha dosha. Kapha is heavy, sluggish, stable and cold. To balance it, we need warmth, movement, activity and stimulation. Here are some tips for an Ayurvedic spring:

• This is the time when the body is at its strongest and has the easiest time rebuilding itself as everything in nature grows. Therefore, this is the time when we can exercise the hardest. Don't overdo it, but be regular. We need both aerobic exercise that gets the heart rate up and strength training that keeps the muscles in shape. In addition, dancing, ball games and other things that promote coordination between mind and body are good.

• Eat your main meal for lunch and a lighter meal in the evening. Eat warm and not too heavy food.

• Don't eat too much; don't eat if you're not hungry. But have regular meal times.

• Eat sitting down in peace and quiet without doing anything else in the meantime. Enjoy your food! Also, take it easy after eating.

• Drink warm water. Never drink cold or carbonated drinks.

• Eat vegetarian food and avoid red and processed meat in particular.

• Use lots of spices but not too much salt.

• Get up early and avoid sleeping during the day.

• Be active with things you find fun. Play, laugh, sing, dance and enjoy life.

Have a lovely spring!

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