Thursday, 29 June 2023

Pachaka pitta

 Pachaka pitta is the first of the pitta dosha sub-doshas. It has its seat in the stomach and small intestine. There, it controls the breakdown of food and the absorption of nutrients. It is, therefore, essential for our health. If it is in balance, it provides a well-functioning digestion where all the nutrients in the food are absorbed, and the residual products are eliminated. It gives us energy, well-being and general good health. If, on the other hand, it is out of balance, it can cause poor digestion, IBS, leaky gut, heartburn and stomach ulcers. Some of the most important things to keep pachaka pitta in balance are:

• Eat at regular times. The main meal in the middle of the day, lighter meals for breakfast and supper and possibly an even lighter snack. Don't skip meals!

• Eat according to your hunger. Don't overeat, but don't eat too little, either. Eat until you are reasonably full, not overfull, but not still hungry.

• Never be stressed when eating. Eat sitting down, in peace and quiet, chew properly and enjoy the food. Avoid reading, checking your mobile phone, watching TV, having lively conversations or doing anything else while eating.

• Please ensure the food is nicely laid out and visually appealing.

• Avoid overly acidic or strong products such as ketchup, mustard, chilli sauce and pungent spices.

• Instead, use plenty of mild spices such as coriander, anise, fennel, cardamom, turmeric, parsley, mint and basil.

• Avoid red meat and processed meat dishes.

• Use ghee and olive oil in food.

• As a snack, sweet fruits e.g. pears, melons or sweet grapes, are good.

• Exercise regularly but not within half an hour before and two to three hours after meals. However, it is good to go for a walk right after eating.

Good luck

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