Thursday, 6 July 2023

Ranjaka pitta

 Ranjaka pitta is the second sub-dosha of pitta. It controls several of our internal organs, mainly the liver. It is also connected to the blood, especially the red blood cells and thus to the red bone marrow, where they are produced, and the spleen, where they are broken down, and the blood is purified. The liver is our largest internal organ and has many important tasks, for example, producing bile (which is needed in digestion); forming proteins and hormones; storing iron, vitamins and carbohydrates and filtering and detoxifying the blood. Imbalances in ranjaka pitta can lead to various liver and blood disorders as well as to irritability and anger. To keep ranjaka pitta in balance, the following points are essential:

• Avoid alcohol. The latest research has changed the view on alcohol. That large amounts of alcohol are harmful has been known for a long time. But in the past, there were theories that small amounts of alcohol were not a health problem but could even be beneficial to health. However, new research has shown that even a tiny amount of alcohol consumption is harmful, and the Nordic nutritional recommendations have therefore been changed to recommend that we do not use any alcohol at all. Of course, you should also avoid drugs and medicines that have not been recommended by a doctor.

• Eat organic food as much as possible to avoid pesticide residues (and contribute to a better environment).

• Avoid sweeteners and other artificial additives.

• Eat as little refined white sugar as possible, and do not drink soft drinks or energy drinks. Also, don't drink a lot of coffee or other caffeinated beverages.

• Avoid hard-fried and deep-fried food.

• Drink plenty of clean water - room temperature or warm - never ice cold.

• Use plenty of turmeric in cooking. Turmeric is very effective in cleansing the body, and it is better to use it in cooking than in the form of dietary supplements. Ginger and black pepper are also good.

• Eat sweet fruits such as melons, pears and grapes for snacks. Squash, cucumber, pumpkin and beetroot are good to use in cooking.

• Don't stress when eating. Eat in peace and quiet - enjoy the food.

Good luck 😊

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