Sadhaka pitta is the third sub-dosha of pitta. It has its main seat in the heart and has a lot to do with our emotions and our satisfaction with life. If you have gone through emotionally difficult experiences, it often shows up in imbalances in that sub-dosha. And life is not always that easy, so in my consultations, I often feel a vulnerable sadhaka pitta. If it goes too far out of balance, it can lead to cardiovascular diseases of various kinds as well as depression, memory loss, performance anxiety and chronic fatigue syndrome. To keep sadhaka pitta healthy and happy, consider the following:
• Try to avoid stress. It's not that easy in today's performance-oriented society. But you are not your performance. You don't get your value by being good at work or being a good mother, father, spouse, husband, daughter, son, etc. You have infinite value just by being human, and you don't have to do anything to deserve to be loved.
• Yoga and meditation, especially Transcendental Meditation, are great for sadhaka pitta in that you can clear away old mental debris and find the calm and peace that exists within all of us.
• Exercise is good, especially outdoors in beautiful surroundings.
• Eat food that you like and really enjoy it. Some foods that are particularly good for sadhaka pitta are pineapple, apples, pears, olive oil, almonds, squash, walnuts, cardamom and black pepper.
• Roses are also great for sadhaka pitta, and you can enjoy them through multiple senses. Of course, you can let the eyes enjoy their beauty and the nose their fragrance. But you can also eat them (but then they must be organic), for example, in the form of rose petal paste, or drink rose water or use the leaves as spices in teas and dishes. All that is good for sadhaka pitta and delicious.
• Avoid horror films and other unpleasant or negative media experiences.
• Spend time with people you like and give them your love – not out of duty but out of joy.
Good luck 🌹
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