Udana vata is the second sub-dosha of vata. It is the ascending vata, whose main seat is in the neck region. It controls speech and the swallowing process. Through the thyroid gland, it also controls the metabolism and energy level in the body and through the parathyroid glands, it controls the mineral balance. If you haven't been allowed/couldn't/dared to say what you think and feel or if no one has listened to or cared, it often settles like a lump in the throat blocking udana vata. Imbalances in udana vata can cause speech problems, throat infections and hyper- or hypothyroidism, among other things. In balance, udana vata instead gives a clear and beautiful speech, a good energy level and the ability to balance minerals. Here are some tips to strengthen udana vata.
• Avoid cold and carbonated drinks.
• Always eat calmly and chew your food very thoroughly.
• Keep your neck warm - wear a warm woollen scarf in winter.
• Do calm and pleasant yoga. In particular, sarvang asana (shoulder stand), halasana (plough), bhujang asana (cobra) and simhasana (lion) are great poses for udana vata.
• Calm breathing techniques such as sukh pranayama and ujjayi breathing are also very beneficial.
• Try to almost always breathe only through the nose; it activates the parasympathetic nervous system, which makes us calmer. Breathing through the mouth activates the sympathetic nervous system, which makes us more stressed. Feel free to try taping your mouth at night; it can lead to a more restful sleep.
• Sing or read poems for others or just for yourself. Enjoy your voice; it's amazing that we can create so many different sounds.
• Try to be clear and communicate what and how you feel, especially to your loved ones. It's not easy; I know that too well, but do your best.
• Listen to your fellow human beings and really try to understand them - then you also help their udana vata.